it's strange that this has been put on the front
The humour wasn't exactly what u call top-quality humour, same with the voice-over and animation (eg. mirror reflections, the rotation animations, etc.).
it's strange that this has been put on the front
The humour wasn't exactly what u call top-quality humour, same with the voice-over and animation (eg. mirror reflections, the rotation animations, etc.).
Masterfully drawn and animated
Shouldn't u be back at disney's or something ;p
impressive, especially cuz u have drawn this completely frame by frame, not using the different layers (if I'm wrong, sry about it ^_^ ), so cr8in such an animation on ur own (i draw too, so i kinda know how much effort u've put in it) is really stunning.
Could be something funny... turned out to be something childish
nice loop though...
Nice effects and background using, I see the more advanced use of the graphical interface has been used here, impressive.
The character is well drawn, so I think u have some experience in manga.
I can also see where you got your source, I guess you are a kenshin-fan, not ? ^_^.
Impressive none the least
I am very impressed
This is a very impressive movie. Not alone is the sound perfectly synchronised, but are the 3d effects the proof of the very much effort that has been put in this movie.
I'll give you a little tip: though the amount of bytes of the movie will increase, as well your effort that must be put into it, it's better to set the frame rate to 24 or even 30 frames per second, that way you'll get even better effects and action.
Very impressive, anyway
This is damn funny
I'm one of those guys who love the Final Fantasy
Series, but even more the parodies made on them.
And this one is surely one of the best I've seen.
Well done
thanks dude
I got one word for this perefectly animated movie: fantastic
Great movie, you did well making this one.
Nicely made, I'm impressed of the animation u made. It could even be a real anime.
Joined on 4/11/04